Government and Media Press Release

This web page allows you to send a letter to the editor, a press release to about 1000 media contacts in Arizona or a letter to all of the elected officials in Arizona.

These 3 lists have from 300 to over 1000 E-mail address in them. But I can only send e-mail to groups of about 200 e-mail addresses at a time. That means you will have to send your e-mail out to groups of about 200 e-mail addresses at a time.

Before sending your e-mail you must fill out the form completely.

You must enter YOUR E-MAIL address.

You can enter a REPLY-TO e-address. If it's entered when ever someone who received the e-mail replies to it the reply will be sent to the REPLY-TO e-mail address.

Last you must enter the text of the e-mail.

To send the e-mail to all the people in my lists you click on one file name at a time in the list that follows the text

File(s) to send Press Releases to

And then click on the SUBMIT button. Repeat this process for every file in the list.

Help on how this Web page works

File(s) to send Press Releases to

How to enter E-Mail address's and Peoples names

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  1. The From: e-mail address is required.
  2. The e-mail will appear to be sent from the From: e-mail address.
  3. Normally when a person replys to an e-mail the reply will be sent to the From: e-mail address. Thats unless a Reply-To: address is entered.
  4. The Reply-To: e-mail address is not required.
  5. If a Reply-To: e-mail address is given when a person replys to the e-mail the reply will be sent to the Reply-To: address instead of the From: address. However not all e-mail software works this way.
  6. For both the From: and Reply-To: e-mail address you may enter an email address that looks like this:

  7. For both the From: and Reply-To: e-mail address you may follow the email address with a human name thats enclosed in (" ") like this: ("Larry Naman")

  8. The Subject: is required! I'm not going to let you piss off people by sending an e-mail with out a subject.

At the top of the page will be the title:

File to send Press Releases to

followed by one or file names each which has a radio button. Click here to jump to the list

The web site times out if it sends out more then 200 e-mails at a time.

To get around that problem all the e-mail addresses are split into files of of 200 or less e-mail addresses.

To send an e-mail to all of the addresses

  1. Click on the radio button of the first file
  2. Click on SUBMIT button to send the e-mail to the address in the first file
  3. Click on the radio button of the next file and repeat the 1st 2 steps until you have sent e-mails to all files in the list

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